Wednesday, February 7, 2007


One of the boys in my classroom was medically very fragile. He was in and out of the hospital for most of the year. I tested him on his letters and he did not know them in November. He was gone for most of December and January. When he returned I tested him again and he knew all but two of his letters and the sounds that they made.

Teacher - Wow, have you been studying?
Little boy - At the hospital an angel comes to see me every night when I'm sleeping. She helps me with my letters.

I spoke with the boy's mother that afternoon. I thought that the hospital must have a tutor who was coming in at night to help him. The mother said that she did not think anyone went to see him at night.

Teacher to little boy - Does this angel ever visit you when you're at your house?
Little boy - Yes, she helps me study when I'm sleeping.
Teacher thinks about this before responding - Ok, well, tell her you have to learn your numbers now.

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